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Effects of water collection and mulching combinations on water infiltration and consumption in a semiarid rainfed orchard 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 2018, 卷号: 558, 页码: 432-441
作者:  Hongchen Li;  Xining Zhao;  Xiaodong Gao;  Kemeng Ren;  Pute Wu;  Zhao, XN;  Wu, PT (reprint author), 26 Xinong Rd, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.
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Soil Moisture  Evapotranspiration  Land Engineering Measure  Mulching  Jujube  
Identifying a suitable revegetation technique for soil restoration on water-limited and degraded land: Considering both deep soil moisture deficit and soil organic carbon sequestration 期刊论文
GEODERMA, 2018, 卷号: 319, 期号: 0, 页码: 61-69
作者:  Gao, Xiaodong;  Li, Hongchen;  Zhao, Xining;  Ma, Wen;  Wu, Pute;  Zhao, XN (reprint author), 26 Xinong Rd, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.
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Soil water effects of agroforestry in rainfed jujube (Ziziphus jujube Mill.) orchards on loess hillslopes in Northwest China 期刊论文
AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT, 2017, 卷号: 247, 页码: 343-351
作者:  Ling, Qiang;  Gao, Xiaodong;  Zhao, Xining;  Huang, Jun;  Li, Hongchen;  Li, Lusheng;  Sun, Wenhao;  Wu, Pute;  Zhao, XN (reprint author), Northwest A&F Univ, Inst Soil & Water Conservat, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.
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Jujube  Agroforestry  Soil Water  Water Competition  Loess Plateau  
黄土丘陵区不同树龄旱作枣园细根空间分布特征 期刊论文
农业工程学报, 2015, 卷号: 31, 期号: 20, 页码: 140-146
作者:  李陆生;  赵西宁;  高晓东;  吴普特;  李虹辰
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  密度  干旱  树龄  旱作枣园  根长密度  比根长  
Changes of soil hydraulic properties under early-stage natural vegetation recovering on the Loess Plateau of China 期刊论文
CATENA, 2014, 卷号: 113, 页码: 386-391
作者:  Zhao, Xining;  Wu, Pute;  Gao, Xiaodong;  Tian, Lei;  Li, Hongchen;  Wu, PT (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Soil & Water Conservat, Yangling 712100, Peoples R China.
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Land Use Change  Soil Hydraulic Conductivity  Vegetation Restoration  Mini-disk Tension Infiltrometer  
鱼鳞坑与覆盖组合措施对陕北旱作枣园 土壤水分的影响 期刊论文
应用生态学报, 2014, 卷号: 25, 期号: 8, 页码: 2297-2303
作者:  李虹辰;  赵西宁;  高晓东;  王荚文;  史银光
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土壤水分  鱼鳞坑  覆盖措施  旱作枣园