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How effective are soil and water conservation measures (SWCMs) in reducing soil and water losses in the red soil hilly region of China? A meta-analysis of field plot data 期刊论文
Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 卷号: 735, 期号: 1, 页码: 1-13
作者:  jia chen;  Haibing Xiao;  Zhongwu Li;  Cheng Liu;  Ke Ning
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Soil and water conservation measures  Water erosion control  Water erosion control  Meta-analysis  Runoff plots  
Soil and water conservation effects driven by the implementation of ecological restoration projects Evidence from the red soil hilly region of China in the last three decades 期刊论文
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 卷号: 260, 期号: 1, 页码: 1-13
作者:  Zhongwu Li;  Ke Ning;  Jia Chen;  Cheng Liu;  Danyang Wang
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Soil and water Conservation measures  Red soil hilly region  Soil erosion  Ecological restoration program  Soil and water Conservation  
黄土丘陵区退耕草地群落盖度与地上生物量关系 期刊论文
水土保持研究, 2020, 卷号: 27, 期号: 1, 页码: 319-327
作者:  贾昭;  简春霞;  熊沛枫;  陈志飞;  周俊杰
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退耕草地  群落盖度  物种组成  地上生物量  
不同生长时期极端降水事件对人工针叶林净生产力的影响 ———以江西省吉安市千烟洲生态试验站为例 期刊论文
水土保持通报, 2020, 卷号: 40, 期号: 2, 页码: 317-324
作者:  陈晨;  贾畅;  王晶苑;  唐亚坤;  陈云明
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极端降水现象  亚热带人工针叶林  碳通量  环境因子  通径分析  
黄土高原苹果园不同集水阻渗技术调控下 土壤水分、矿质氮含量变化 期刊论文
干旱地区农业研究, 2020, 卷号: 38, 期号: 3, 页码: 19-25
作者:  陈嘉钰;  骆汉;  谢永生;  张炳学;  张文博
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苹果园  起垄覆膜技术  人工防渗层  土壤水分  硝态氮  
黄土丘陵区沙棘、油松和刺槐光合生理特性及其环境适应性 期刊论文
生 态 学 报, 2019, 卷号: 39, 期号: 21, 页码: 8111-8125
作者:  吴旭;  唐亚坤;  陈晨;  贾畅;  陈云明
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黄土丘陵区  光响应模型  光合参数  水分条件  沙棘  油松  刺槐  
黄土丘陵沟壑区治沟造地土壤快速培肥效应 期刊论文
农 业 工 程 学 报, 2019, 卷号: 35, 期号: 21, 页码: 252-261
作者:  付威;  雍晨旭;  马东豪;  樊军;  张佳宝;  魏宏安
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土壤  团聚体  重金属  黄土高原  耕作层  构建  
Threshold effects of vegetation coverage on soil erosion control in small watersheds of the red soil hilly region in China 期刊论文
Ecological Engineering, 2019, 卷号: 132, 期号: 1, 页码: 109-114
作者:  jia chen;  Haibing Xiaoa;  Zhongwu Lia;  Cheng Liu;  Danyang Wang
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Vegetation coverage threshold  Soil erosion  conservation efficiency  Small watershed  Red soil hilly region  
Soil Moisture Availability at Early Growth Stages Strongly Affected Root Growth of Bothriochloa ischaemum When Mixed With Lespedeza davurica 期刊论文
作者:  Zhi Wang;  Weizhou Xu;  Zhifei Chen;  Zhao Jia;  Jin Huang;  Zhongming Wen;  Yinglong Chen;  Bingcheng Xu;  Xu, BC (reprint author), Northwest A&F Univ, State Key Lab Soil Eros & Dryland Farming Loess P, Yangling, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.;  Xu, BC (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Soil & Water Conservat, Yangling, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.;  Xu, BC (reprint author), Minist Water Resources, Yangling, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.
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Rewatering  Root Morphology  Growth Stage  Total Root Length  Root Surface Area  Mixture Ratio  
Microbial CO2 assimilation is not limited by the decrease in autotrophic bacterial abundance and diversity in eroded watershed 期刊论文
BIOLOGY AND FERTILITY OF SOILS, 2018, 卷号: 54, 期号: 5, 页码: 595-605
作者:  Haibing Xiao;  Zhongwu Li;  Xiaofeng Chang;  Lei Deng;  Xiaodong Nie;  Chun Liu;  Lin Liu;  Jieyu Jiang;  Jia Chen;  Danyang Wang;  Li, ZW (reprint author), Inst Soil & Water Conservat CAS & MWR, State Key Lab Soil Eros & Dryland Farming Loess P, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.;  Li, ZW (reprint author), Hunan Univ, Coll Environm Sci & Engn, Changsha 410082, Hunan, Peoples R China.
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Soil Erosion  Organic Carbon  Autotrophic Bacteria  Carbon-fixing Potential  Chinese Loess Plateau