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Effects of different vegetation restoration measures on soil aggregate stability and erodibility on the Loess Plateau, China 期刊论文
Catena, 2020, 期号: 185, 页码: 104294
作者:  Dou Yan xing;  Yang Yang;  An Shao Shan
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Soil aggregate stability  Loess Plateau  Soil erodibility  Vegetation restoration measures  
Above-Ground Biomass Models of Caragana korshinskii and Sophora viciifolia in the Loess Plateau, China 期刊论文
Sustainability, 2019, 期号: 1674, 页码: 1-14
作者:  Dou Yan xing;  Yang Yang;  An Shao Shan
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two common shrubs  biomass equations  Loess Plateau  
黄土高原生态分区及概况 期刊论文
生 态 学 报, 2019, 卷号: 39, 期号: 20, 页码: 7389-7397
作者:  杨艳芬;  王兵;  王国梁;  李宗善
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黄土高原  生态分区  气候  地形  植被  水土流失  
Linkages of plant-soil interface habitat and grasshopper occurrence of typical grassland ecosystem 期刊论文
Ecological Indicators, 2018, 期号: 90, 页码: 324-333
作者:  Miao Hai-Tao;  Liu Yu;  Shan Li-Yan;  Wu Gao-Lin
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Plant-Soil Interface, Habitats, Soil Types, Plant Functional Groups, Plant–herbivore Interactions, Grasshopper Density, Vegetation Litter Plant-Soil Interface, Habitats, Soil Types, Plant Functional Groups, Plant–herbivore Interactions, Grasshopper Density, Vegetation Litter  
Soil moisture dynamics and dominant controls at different spatial scales over semiarid and semi-humid areas 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 2018, 卷号: 562, 页码: 635-647
作者:  Lizhu Suo;  Mingbin Huang;  Yongkun Zhang;  Liangxia Duan;  Yan Shan;  Huang, MB (reprint author), Northwest A&F Univ, Inst Soil & Water Conservat, State Key Lab Soil Eros & Dryland Farming Loess P, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi, Peoples R China.
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Environmental Factors  Scale Dependency  Soil Depth  Partial Least Squares Regression  Loess Plateau  
水分胁迫及复水条件下外源Ca~(2+)对玉米幼苗根系水力导度及生长的影响 期刊论文
作物学报, 2010, 期号: 6, 页码: 1044−1049
作者:  吴妍;  张岁岐;  刘小芳;  山仑
Unknown(1010Kb)  |  收藏  |  浏览/下载:330/113  |  提交时间:2011/12/13
水分胁迫  复水  Ca2++  Aqp  根系水力导度  
土地开发整理的概况、内涵及实践 期刊论文
科技和产业, 2010, 期号: 3, 页码: 108-122
作者:  李永红;  高照良;  徐佳;  王珍珍;  刘爱霞;  王天伟;  郭文;  王冬;  屈晓婉;  赵晶;  蔡艳蓉;  唐林;  彭珂珊
Unknown(421Kb)  |  收藏  |  浏览/下载:680/198  |  提交时间:2011/12/21
土地开发整理  模式研究  土地整理实践  可持续利用  
黄土高原小杂粮作物生产态势与地域分异 期刊论文
中国生态农业学报, 2007, 期号: 3, 页码: 80-85
作者:  张雄;  山仑;  李增嘉;  王立祥;  柴岩
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黄土丘陵区不同立地条件下猪毛蒿种内、种间竞争 期刊论文
植物生态学报, 2006, 期号: 4, 页码: 601-609
作者:  杜峰;  梁宗锁;  山仑;  陈小燕
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培养基成分对沙打旺组培根生长及分泌物的影响研究 期刊论文
中国生态农业学报, 2005, 期号: 4, 页码: 36-39
作者:  杨善云;  马永清;  税军峰;  朱彦锋
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