ISWC OpenIR  > 水保所知识产出(1956---)
甄 庆
关键词土壤质量 水分运动 溶质运移 砒砂岩 新构土体 晋陕蒙能源区

的退化。主要表现为:土壤质地变粗,大多数属于砂质壤土;土壤容重变大,20-60 cm
土层容重最大,60 cm 以下土层容重降低;土壤 pH 升高,接近 8.5;土壤 CEC、有
别为 14.18%、-13.56%、-8.75%、-25.63%、-24.91%。
果不好。表层0-10 cm土壤的全氮和有机质含量高于10-20 cm土层含量,说明植被恢复
对0-10 cm土层改良效果更明显。随着复垦年限的增加,土壤全氮和有机质的含量也
(3)获得了不同土地利用类型以及不同深度土柱 NO 3 - -N 和 NH 4 + -N 两种离子
表层(0-20 cm)土柱较深层土柱平均穿透时间较短,其他深度土柱穿透时间分布规律不明显。NH 4 + -N 的穿透时间较 NO 3 - -N 穿透时间延长,并且存在拖尾现象。平衡
CDE 模型对 NO 3 - -N 运移过程较两区模型(T-R)拟合效果更好,不同土柱的 NO 3 - -N
运移过程不存在非物理平衡现象。在溶质运移中,对流是为主要的运移方式。NH 4 + -N
的穿透过程中存在化学非平衡现象,两点模型(T-S)可以较好地拟合 NH 4 + -N 的运
移过程。土壤质地是影响 NO 3 - -N 运移最主要的因素。平均孔隙流速随着容重的增加
粒含量的增加呈指数函数关系增加,Pe 数随着砂粒含量的增加呈线性函数的关系增
阳离子交换量(CEC)和土壤质地是影响 NH 4 + -N 运移最主要的因素。阻滞因子(R)
指数函数和幂函数关系进行描述 。
大。CDE 模型和两区模型(T-R)可以较好地拟合 Br - 穿透曲线,两区模型拟合的精
度略好于 CDE 模型;拟合参数显示对流是土柱中主要的运移方式;两点模型(T-S)
可以较好地模拟 Na + 穿透曲线。分析砒砂岩对风沙土阻滞溶质运移的原因主要是:添
加砒砂岩可以降低土壤的平均孔隙流速;砒砂岩中含有较高含量蒙脱石,同时 CEC
加阻滞效果越好。CDE 模型和两区模型(T-R)可以较好地拟合 Br - 穿透曲线,两区
模型拟合的精度略好于 CDE 模型;拟合参数显示对流是土柱中主要的运移方式。层
散度与均质土体弥散度之间的关系尚不明确。两点模型(T-S)可以较好地模拟 Na +
力;黄土与料姜石以及黄土与煤矸石的土石混合结构在土石质量比为 70:30、容重分别为 1.61 g/cm 3 和 1.54 g/cm 3 时拥有较低的入渗能力。入渗过程中湿润锋推进距离与
累积入渗量间的关系可采用线性函数进行表达;利用 Philip 方程和 Kostiakov 入渗模
型均可以较好地拟合均质土体的入渗过程,Kostiakov 入渗模型对层状结构土体也有
较好地拟合结果。表层为 50cm 黄土、中间 20cm 砒砂岩,下层设置容重较高的土石


Coal plays a leading role in the energy structure of China and contributes greatly to
China’s economic development. Coal mining produces a large amount of stripped soils,
coal gangue, tailings and other solid wastes, which are buried or deposited in piles,
replacing a large area of arable land with bare ground. In order to well known the effect on
soil quality and water movement and solute transport of the restructured soils, in this thesis,
we studied the distribution of physicochemical properties of the siol profile of different
land use types; the land use types included abandoned grass land, farmland, black locust
forest land and grass land on the east soil-disposal dump, aspen forest land and grass land
on the north soil-disposal dump. The effects of vegetation recovery on soil organic content
(SOC) and total N in dump restoration were also researched, and the degradation
assessment of different land use types was also conducted. Meanwhile, we collected soil
columns in different soil depths of different land use types, and conducted the solute
breakthrough experiments in steady flow condition, the breakthrough curves of NO 3 - -N
and NH 4 + -N were obtained and fitted by equilibrium convection-dispersion equation (CDE)
model, mobile-immobile (MIM) model and two-site nonequilibrium model, at the same
time, the factors that influenced the solute transport parameters were also analyzed. In
addition, the effects of Pisha sandstone content on solute transports of sandy soil and Pisha
sandstone thickness on solute transports of reconstructed soil profile were evaluated, and
the infiltration process of incorporation of different soils, incorporation soil and gravel, and
layered soil were simulated. The main research conclusions are listed as follows:
(1) Soil physiochemical properties: soil textures in this area were coarse and belong to  sandy loam; the bulk density in soil-disposal dump was higher than that in abandoned grass
land and farmland, meanwhile, the bulk density was low in the surface layer and large in
subsurface layer of 20-60 cm, below which the bulk density decreased as depth increased.
pH in soil-disposal dump was larger than that in abandoned grass land and farmland, and
pH in sandy grass land was largest; however, nutrient element contents in sandy grass land
were lowest, and CEC, soil organic content and total N in soil-disposal dump were lower
than that in abandoned grass land and farmland, meanwhile, SOC and total N in surface
layer were higher than that in deep layer; the distributions of NO 3 - -N, NH 4 + -N, total P, total
K in soil profile of undisturbed soil and soil-disposal dump had no significant trend. Soil in
different land use types all belonged to degraded soil (SI≤5%), SI in surface layer was
lower than deeper layer, and degradation degree in soil-disposal dump was lower than
abandoned grass land and farmland. The SI in farmland, black locust forest land and grass
land on the east soil-disposal dump, aspen forest land and grass land on the north
soil-disposal dump were 14.18%, -13.56%, -8.75%, -25.63%, -24.91%, respectively.
(2) Comparing to shrub and tree plants, the improved effect of herbage plant on soil
total N and organic content was more significant, and among the herbage plant, astragalus
adsurgens and alfalfa were the best choice for increasing the total N and SOC in
soil-disposal dump. Meanwhile, total N and SOC in aspen forest land were the lowest,
indicated that the improved effect of aspen tree on soil was not obvious. total N and SOC
in layer of 0-10 cm were higher than that in 10-20 cm, this indicated that litter played an
important role in increasing the total N and SOC. In addition, total N and SOC in soil
increased as reclamation years increased.
(3) The breakthrough curves (BTCs) of NO 3 - -N and NH 4 + -N were obtained from
different depth of different land use types, the result showed that breakthrough time in soil
of sandy grass land was shortest, and the breakthrough time in soil of east soil-disposal
dump was longest, and breakthrough time in surface layer (0-20 cm) was shorter than that
in deeper layer. Breakthrough time of NH 4 + -N was longer than that of NO 3 -N, and tailing
phenomenon was also observed. The mean pore water velocity of different land use types
ranged from 3.20 cm/h to 20.73 cm/h, and in a descent order as: sandy grass land, aspen
forest land on the north soil-disposal dump, black locust forest land on the east
soil-disposal dump, farmland, abandoned grass land, grass land on the north east  soil-disposal dump, grass land on the east soil-disposal dump. For solute transport of NO 3 - ,
fitting effect of equilibrium CDE equation was better than two regional (T-R), and no
physics non equilibrium phenomenon was existed in the transport process of NO 3 - . The
fitting result of equilibrium CDE equation showed that, dispersion coefficient (D) of
different land use types ranged from 0.66 cm 2 /h to 3.61 cm 2 /h, dispersivity (λ) ranged from
0.13 cm to 1.10 cm, retardation factor (R) ranged from 0.78 to 0.95. The Peclet number (Pe)
of all land use types were larger than 1, this indicated that convection was the main
transport mode. Chemical non equilibrium phenomenon was existed in the transport
process of NH 4 + , two site (T-S) model could fit the transport equation well, and the result
showed that retardation factor (R) ranged from 2.56 in sandy grass land to 5.82 in grass
land on the east soil-disposal dump.
(4) Soil texture was the main factor that affected the transport of NO 3 - . Mean pore
water velocity decreased exponentially with increasing of bulk density, the relationship
between initial breakthrough time, complete breakthrough time and bulk density could be
described by polynomial function. Dispersivity (λ) decreased exponentially with increasing
of sand content, Mean pore water velocity increased exponentially with increasing of sand
content, and Peclet number (Pe) increased linearly with increasing of sand content, these
results indicated that solute transport mode tend to be convection in the coarser soil.
Meanwhile, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and soil texture were the main factor that
affected the transport of NH 4 + . The relationship between retardation factor (R) and sand
content, mean pore water velocity demonstrated a significant negative correlation, on the
contrary The relationship between retardation factor (R), mean pore water velocity and
CEC, bulk density, silt, as well as clay content showed a significant positive correlation.
The relationship between retardation factor (R) and CEC, mean pore water velocity could
be described by exponential and power function, respectively.
(5)The addition of Pisha sandstone could retard the transport of bromide anion (Br - )
and sodium cation (Na + ) in sandy soil, and the retard effect was more obvious with
increasing of Pisha sandstone. Breakthrough time of the two ions all increased with
increasing of Pisha sandstone. CDE equation model and T-R model could fit the BTCs of
Br - well, though goodness of fit of T-R model was better. The fitted parameter showed that
convection was the main factor affecting transport of Br - . Meanwhile, a better fit of Na +  was obtained by using T-S model. Pisha sandstone retarded solute transport in sandy soil,
the main reasons were that Pisha sandstone could reduce mean pore water velocity, at the
same time, CEC in Pisha sandstone was higher than sandy soil because of the high content
of montmorillonite in Pisha sandstone, this made Pisha sandstone have higher adsorption
capacity of Na + . The complete breakthrough time of Br- was in a descent order as: loess,
Pisha sandstone, mixture of loess and coal gangue, Pisha sandstone interlayer of thickness
of 2 cm, 4 cm, and 6 cm. The transport of Br- could be retarded by increasing the thickness
of Pisha sandstone. The goodness of fit of T-R model was better than that of CDE model,
and the fitted parameter showed that convection was the main factor affecting solute
transport. Meanwhile, the complete breakthrough time of Na+ was in a descent order as:
loess, Pisha sandstone, mixture of loess and coal gangue, Pisha sandstone interlayer of
thickness of 2 cm, 4 cm, and 6 cm. The transport of Na+ could be retarded by increasing
the thickness of Pisha sandstone. The T-S model could fit the BTCs of Na+ better, and the
retardation factor obtained was much larger than loess and mixture of soil and gravel. The
retardation factor increased with increasing of thickness of Pisha sandstone; therefore,
solute transport can be retarded by choosing rational thickness of Pisha sandstone.
(6)Soil configuration had strong influence on infiltration characteristics, expressed as
infiltration capacity of aeolian sandy soil, loess and soft rock decreases gradually, the ways
of adding soft rock to aeolian sandy soil and loess by means of mixed adding and layered
adding both could extend infiltration time and reduce infiltration rate; the infiltration
process of soil containing calcites and gangue was inhibited under the condition of high
bulk density; compared with homogeneous soil, layered structure soil had lower infiltration
capacity. The relationship between cumulative infiltration and wetting front advancing
distance could be well modeled as linear function. Compared with Philip model, Kostiakov
infiltration model could better fit the infiltration process with different configurations (R 2 >
0.93). The result could provide references for further studing soil water movement process
and provide technical support for the reconstruction and reclamation of mining soils in
Shanxi, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia energy region.
Keywords :Soil quality, Water movement, Solute transport, Pisha sandstone, Restructured
soil, Shanxi-Shaanxi-Inner Mongolia energy zone

GB/T 7714
甄 庆. 新构土体土壤质量及水分与溶质运移研究[D]. 北京. 中国科学院研究生院,2016.
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