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Effects of shrub species on soil nitrogen mineralization in the desert-loess transition zone 期刊论文
Catena, 2019, 期号: 173, 页码: 330-338
作者:  Yufei Yao;  Zhongna Zhao;  Mingan Shao;  Xiaorong Wei
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Soil Inorganic n  n Turnover  Seasonal Dynamics  Legumes  Non-legumes  
Vertical Distribution and Seasonal Dynamics of Fine Root Parameters for Apple Trees of Different Ages on the Loess Plateau of China 期刊论文
AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES IN CHINA, 2010, 卷号: 9, 期号: 1, 页码: 46-55
作者:  Gan Zhuo-ting;  Zhou Zheng-chao;  Liu Wen-zhao;  Liu, WZ
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Fine Root  Vertical Distribution  Seasonal Dynamics  Apple Tree  Loess Plateau