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Soil iron fractionation and availability at selected landscape positions in a loessial gully region of northwestern China 期刊论文
SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION, 2010, 卷号: 56, 期号: 4, 页码: 617-626
作者:  Wei Xiaorong;  Shao Mingan;  Zhuang Jie;  Wei, XR
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Availability  Fraction  Iron  Landscape Position  Loessial Gully Watershed  Soils  
Fractal Features of Particle Size Redistributions of Deposited Soils on the Dam Farmlands 期刊论文
SOIL SCIENCE, 2009, 卷号: 174, 期号: 7, 页码: 403-407
作者:  Zhao Peipei;  Shao Mingan;  Zhuang Jie;  Shao, MA
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Dam Farmland  Deposited Soils  Fractal Model  Particle Size Redistribution