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The significance and relationships among substitutive climatic proxies in the Holocene at the middle Loess Plateau in China 期刊论文
ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES, 2013, 卷号: 70, 期号: 7, 页码: 2997-3004
作者:  Liu Gang;  Liu Puling;  Yang Mingyi;  Cai Chongfa;  Xu Wennian;  Zhang Qiong;  Yang Wei;  Liu, G (reprint author), China Three Gorges Univ, Coll Civil Engn & Architecture, Key Lab Geol Hazards Three Gorges Reservoir Area, Minist Educ, 8 Daxue Rd, Yichang 443002, Hubei, Peoples R China.
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Heilu Soil  Climate  The Holocene  14c  Loess Plateau