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黄土区 典型灌草植被土壤水分时空分布 及其植被承载力研究
刘 丙 霞
导师邵 明 安
关键词Svat 系统 土壤水分 Shaw 模型 植被承载力 生长年限 植被密度

特征和规律;并应用 SHAW 模型模拟不同植被年限下土壤水分动态,分析典型植被
(1)四种土地利用类型(柠条林地、苜蓿草地、撂荒地及农地)0-4.0 m的剖面土壤储
变化具有明显的影响。土地利用在剖面土壤水分的影响体现在整个0-4.0 m剖面
年型下,柠条、苜蓿地和撂荒地中的水分消耗深度超过了4.0 m,但在四种降水年
1.0 m,在极端丰水年,其水分补给深度也不超过2.0 m土层。因此降水主要影响
着0-1.0 m剖面土壤水分的时空分布,在自然降雨条件下,研究区人工植被用地的
水年条件下,干层得以缓解最大深度也不超过2.0 m土层。
能够使得干层得以恢复,我们建议柠条和沙柳的适宜种植密度分别为9000丛/hm 2
和8500丛/hm 2 ,最大种植密度分别为14000丛/hm 2 和11000丛/hm 2 。
关。紫花苜蓿从第5年开始1.0 m以下土层出现永久性干层,柠条从第6年开始形成
永久性干层。我们建议紫花苜蓿和柠条在该地区的种植年限不要超过5年和6年,其对应的地上最大生物量为分别为1980kg/hm 2 和5050kg/hm 2 。
分别为0.34%和1.06%,模拟的均方根误差(RMSE)分别为 3.81%和0.17%,且
长年限和相应生物量对1.0-4.0 m土壤剖面土壤水分变化的影响,结果表明植物生
长年限和植被种类影响1.0-4.0 m土壤剖面的土壤水分分布和消耗。紫花苜蓿从第
3年开始1.0 m以下土层出现干层发育现象,而柠条在生长5年后土壤干层开始出
生长年限分别为5年和3年,其相应的最大土壤水分植被承载力分别为4800 kg/hm 2
和1200 kg/hm 2 。
自然气象观测条件下,柠条和沙柳的适宜种植密度分别为9000丛/hm 2 和8500丛/hm 2 ,
最大种植密度分别为14000丛/hm 2 和11000丛/hm 2 。在的适宜种植密度的基础上,紫花
为1980kg/hm 2 和5050kg/hm 2 。应用SHAW模型模拟研究表明适宜种植密度下的柠条和
最大土壤水分植被承载力分别为4800 kg/hm 2 和1200 kg/hm 2 。研究结果有助于量化黄
关键词:SVAT 系统,土壤水分,SHAW 模型,植被承载力,生长年限,植被密度


The belt of water and wind erosion crisscross is the region with most serious soil and
water loss on the northern of Loess Plateau in China, and also is the region which need to
carry out series of ecological environment construction. How to quickly and efficiently
control of soil and water loss, and improve the ecological environment through the
vegetation restoration, has become the most significant facor to restrict the economic and
social sustainable development on this region. Over the past decades years, in order to
control soil and water loss and reconstruct ecological environment, the Chinese
Government has carried out a large number of measurements with vegetation restoration,
which have a strong influence on the pattern of land use and ecological environment on the
Loess Plateau. However, there are new environmental problems occurred on many regions,
such as, the artificial vegetation and land degradation, which aggravated the conflict
between water resources and vegetation restoration. The main cause of this phenomenon is
lack of deep understanding of the mutual relationships among the “soil water - vegetation -
climate condition”, and caused that the planting density and primary productivity of
artificial vegetation is always greater than the carrying capacity of water resourcesin the
process of vegetation restoration. Therefore, it is necessary and crucial to study about the
water movement and transformation rule in “soil - vegetation - atmosphere system”, and
the soil water carrying capacity for vegetation in typical small watershed on the belt of
water and wind erosion crisscross. These studies can reveal the water consumption
characteristics for representative vegetation and the soil water dynamics in deep soil
profiles, and these are significant for the rational utilization of soil water resources and the
sustainable development of reconstructed ecosystem. The study was conducted on a typical  small watershed (Liu Daogou watershed) on the belt of water and wind erosion crisscross,
and we chose typical shrub and grass vegetation on plot and slope scale as the research
object to carry out the experimental study. The main conclusions of this study are as
(1) The soil water stortage (SWS) in 0-1.0, 1.0-2.0, 2.0-3.0, and 3.0-4.0 m layers were
collected using neutron probes at 11 sites in each of four land-use types: cropland,
fallow land, grassland, and shrubland. This study tested and validated the feasibility of
estimating mean SWS over multiple years by the SWS at selected locations. The most
time-stable locations (MTSLs) for the various layers and the location at mid-slope for
each land use wereselected on 20 sampling occasions during a calibration period from
July 2004 to December 2005. Avalidation data sets from January 2006 to October
2013 was used to test the length of time the estimatesof mean SWS remained valid.
The SWSs in grassland and shrubland decreased with plant growth, and the
temporalvariations were larger in grassland and shrubland than in cropland and fallow
land. The temporal stability of the SWSs was high for all soil layers in each land uses,
with the rank correlations over the threshold of significance (a = 0.05) over 10 years.
The degree of temporal stability of SWSs was ranked as cropland > fallow land >
grassland > shrubland, and the temporalstability of SWSs in grassland and shrubland L
decreased with increasing lengths of observation period, as indicated bylower mean
Spearman’s correlations for all soil layers. The MTSLs selected from the calibration
periodcould accurately estimate mean SWSs for diverse layers under four land uses
with estimation errors lessthan 10% over eight years. The study verified that a single
location at mid-slope of each land use could besampled in order to reduce the required
number of samples and save time and labor while maintaining a high accuracy of
prediction over multiple years.
(2) Soil water is a critical factor for vegetation growth and distribution, however,
precipitation and vegetation actively affect soil water dynamics. Understanding the
effects of annual precipitation patterns and land uses on soil water dynamics is critical
to provide guidance for soil water management and land use planning in the Northern
Loess Plateau. The profile characteristics and temporal dynamics of soil moisture in
0-400 cm were examined in four land uses, including shrubland (Caragana korshinskii  Kom.), grassland (Medicago sativa), fallow land and cropland under four annual
precipitation patterns. Precipitation and land use joint control the spatial and temporal
changes and distribution of soil water in deep soil profile. Precipitation mainly affects
the spatiotemporal distribution of soil water in 0-1.0 m profile, and the effect of land
use on soil water was reflected in the 0-4.0 m profile. Under different annual
precipitation patterns, soil water in cropland and fallow land were significantly higher
than those in shurbland and grassland, following the sequence of cropland > fallow
land > grassland > shrubland in 0-4.0 m; and the difference of soil water in land uses
planting with alfalfa and caragana were small. Compared to cropland, the depths of
soil water depletion for caragana, alfalfa and grass in fallow land surpassed 4.0 m
among four study years. Compared with cropland, caragana, alfalfa and grass in fallow
land of more than 4.0 m. The depth of precipitation infiltration and the thickness of
dry layer were always differnent under the four annual precipitation patterns. Under all
annual precipitation patterns, there were no dried soil layers in cropland and fallow
land, however, desiccated soil layers formed in shrub land and grassland and all deeper
than 400 cm. Under shurbland and grassland, the depth of precipitation infilitration is
always less than 1.0 m in normal, dry and wet year, and even in extreme wet year, the
maximum infiltration depth is less than 2.0 m. Therefore, under the condition of
natural percipitation, once the dried soil layer formed in the deep soil profile under
land uses with planting artificial vegetation, soil water will be hard to get supplies and
(3) We analysed the response of soil water and plant growth to planting density for two
dominant shrubs (Caragana korshinskii Kom. and Salix psammophila) in this area buy
filed observation. The plant density has significant influences on the growth of
vegetation and the spatial-temproal distribution of soil water. Plant height, branch
diameter and dry biomass of caragana and salix were all decrease as the plant density
increased within a certain range. However, when the density increased to a certain
value, plant height, branch diameter and dry biomass of caragana and salix showed a
trend of increase; Soil water content and water storage under land of caragana and
salix showed a decreasing trend with the increase of plant density. With the plant
density increasing, the variation range of soil water dynamics was also decreased, and  the degree of soil desiccation was also tend to be more serious.To make sure that the
precipitation can recharge soil water and make dry layers could be restored, we
recommend the optimal planting density of caragana and salix were 9000 plants/hm 2
and 8500 plants/hm 2 , respectively; and the biggest planting density were 14000
plants/hm 2 and 11000 plants/hm 2 , respectively.
(4) The plant ages have significant impacts on vegetation growth, soil water variations,
and soil water consumption. Soil water for 2-12-year old caragana and 1-19-year old
alfalfa declined along with the extension of plant ages. Planting caragana and alfalfa
for many years could cause soil decissiation due to large water consumption. During
the young period, water consumption was larger and soil water rapidly reduced to the
stable soil water content, and the degree of soil desiccation aggravated along with the
increase of plant ages. The dried layers in deep soil were difficult to recover after it
occurred. The formation rate and thickness of dried soil layer were related to
vegetation types. The dried soil layers began to appear below 100 cm when alfalfa was
5 years old, however, the permanent dry layer below 100 cm formed since 6 years old
of caragana. Thus, we recommend the optimal survive ages for alfalfa and caragana in
the region was 5 years and 6 years old respectively, and this corresponding largest
biomass was 1980 kg/hm 2 and 5050 kg/hm 2 , respectively.
(5) The one-dimensional Simultaneous Heat and Water Transfer (SHAW) model was
calibriated and validated using the field measured data, including soil water content in
0-4.0 m soil profile, soil physicial paramters, plant parameters and climate dats in our
study watershed. Soil and plant parameters required by the SHAW model were
calibrated and validated with meteorological and soil-water data from 2004-2005 and
2012, respectively. The data from the calibration and verification trials for soil water
content were significantly linearly correlated based on a 95% confidence level, which
inftered that the simulated SMs thus generally agreed well with the measured values in
the two plots. During the period of calibration, the ME, RMSE and RMAE for SM in
the 1.0-4.0 m profile were 0.34%, 1.06%, and 3.81% for caragana and 0.17%, 0.88%,
and 3.12% for alfalfa, respectively, indicating that the performance of SHAW for the
calibration period was better for alfalfa than for caragana. Compared with simulated
results in calibration stage, the model precision was lower during the validation period,  with RMSEs of 5.71 and 1.14%, but the error ranges were consistent with those
reported in other modeling studies. These results showed that SHAW model was thus
sufficiently accurate for simulating soil water dynamics in our study area.
(6) The conflict between soil desiccation and the sustainable development of revegetation
is increasingly important on the Loess Plateau in China. Quantitative guidelines for the
selection of plant species, optimal density or biomass, and appropriate management
for vegetative restoration are required to address this conflict. Caragana and alfalfa,
two typical species for vegetative restoration in the water-wind erosion crisscross
region of the Loess Plateau, were selected to study the optimal plant age and
corresponding biomass based on soil water balance using the SHAW model after
calibriation and validation to simulate soil water content variatuions with plant ages
under a representative normal year. The simulations indicated that soil water decreased
within 1.0-4.0 m profiles and that the depth of water depletion deepened with plant
growth after vegetative restoration. Dry soil layers began to develop below 1.0 m after
five years for caragana and after three years for alfalfa. The optimal ages of the
caragana and alfalfa in the study area were thus five and three years, respectively, and
the corresponding maximum biomasses were 4800 kg/hm 2 and 1200 kg/hm 2 ,
This study showed that although the land use types and precipitation together effected
the spatial and temporal variations of soil water, the SWSs for all soil layers in each land
uses were still maintian strong temporal stability during a long period. Different plant
densitis and plant ages had significant impacts on soil water dynamics and plant growth.
Soil water always declined along with the increase of plant density and plant age. Under
the condition of natural percipitation, the suitable planting densities of caragana and salix
were 9000 plants/hm 2 and 8500 plants/hm 2 , respectively; and the biggest planting density
were 14000 plants/hm 2 and 11000 plants/hm 2 , respectively. The optimal survive ages for
alfalfa and caragana in the region was 5 years and 6 years old respectively, and their
corresponding largest biomass was 1980 kg/hm 2 and 5050 kg/hm 2 , respectively. The
simulation studies using SHAW model showed that the SHAW model was suitable for
simulating soil water dynamics in our study area, and the optimal ages of the caragana and
alfalfa in the study area were thus five and three years, respectively, the corresponding  maximum biomasses were 4800 kg/hm 2 and 1200 kg/hm 2 , respectively. These results
provide useful information for designing appropriate practices of vegetative restoration to
attain sustainable ecological and economic benefits on the Loess Plateau.
Keywords :SVAT system,soil water,SHAW model,soil water carrying capacity for
vegetation,growing ages,palnting density

GB/T 7714
刘 丙 霞. 黄土区 典型灌草植被土壤水分时空分布 及其植被承载力研究[D]. 北京. 中国科学院研究生院,2015.
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