ISWC OpenIR  > 水保所科研产出(EI)  > 2015年EI
其他题名Development and validation of critical nitrogen content curve for maize in Guanzhong area
李正鹏1,3; 宋明丹1,3; 冯 浩1,2,3
发表期刊Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (农业工程学报)
其他摘要基于临界氮浓度稀释曲线推导的氮素营养指数既可以诊断出氮素供应不足也可以诊断出氮肥供应过量。该文在整理分析关中平原 8 a 氮肥大田试验的基础上,分别构建了关中灌区夏玉米和渭北旱塬春玉米的地上部生物量的临界氮浓度稀释曲线模型。结果表明,关中玉米地上部临界氮浓度与生物量符合幂函数关系。利用独立试验资料对建立的临界氮稀释曲线模型进行检验,结果表明:该模型能准确诊断该区玉米植株的氮营养状况,施肥量和施肥时期对玉米植株的氮素营养状况影响较大,一般随着施氮量的增加氮素营养指数值会增大,只基施氮肥或前期施氮过多都会使玉米在生长过程中营养失衡。该研究建立的关中地区玉米的临界氮稀释模型为该区玉米氮素营养诊断和优化管理提供了较好的技术途径和理论参考。
; The nitrogen nutrition index (NNI), derived from the critical N concentration dilution curve, allows the discrimination between crop N status under shortage and surplus N supply. The on-farm survey results shows that nitrogen fertilizer is excessively used in maize production in Guanzhong Plain. However, the famers are lacked of an efficientand simple nitrogen status diagnostic tool to guide the nitrogen application both for increasing crop yield and reducing widespread environmental pollution as well. The objectives of this study were to build and validate the applicability of the critical N concentration dilution curves for summer maize in Guanzhong irrigated area (with the whole growing period of
about 105 d) and spring maize in Weibei dryland (with the whole growing period of about 158 d), respectively. The modeling procedure was as following: 1) to collect and analyze 8-site-year (2004-2012) field experiments data under different N application rates in the Guanzhong Plain according; and 2) to determine key points of the critical N concentration curve using data for modeling and to validate the curve using other independent data. Results showed that there existed a negative power function between aboveground maximum biomass (W) and critical N concentration (Nc) (summer maize: Nc=22.5W-0.27; spring
maize: Nc=25.3W-0.26) when aboveground biomass was >1 t/hm2. When aboveground biomass was <1 t/hm2, the critical value was 23.4 and 32.2 g/kg for summer and spring maize, respectively. The critical N dilution curves were lower than that of spring maize in France and close to that of summer maize in North China Plain. The critical N dilution curves were validated through the NNI defined as the ratio between measured N concentration and critical Nc. The results showed that the nitrogen
nutrition index model could be used for accurate diagnosis of maize plant nitrogen status and that plant nitrogen nutrition could be affected by both N application rates and dates, i.e., NNI value would generally increase with increasing N rates under a certain fertilization mode. For example, the average NNI value over summer maize growing season improved from 0.81 to1.16 as the N rates increased from 0 to 375 kg/hm2 in Guanzhong irrigated area, while the average NNI value over spring maize growing season increased from 0.53 to 1.22 for N rates from 0 to 400 kg/hm2 in Weibei rainfed area. Maize would get nutrition imbalance when nitrogen was applied only as the basal fertilizer or with inappropriate fertilizer ratio of basal and topdressing. For example, for summer maize with 300 kg N/hm2 applied only before planting, the NNI value were 1.18 and 0.91 in vegetative and reproductive growth period, respectively, indicating that extravagant and deficient N uptake in early and later maize-growing season. For spring maize with 70% N applied prior to anthesis date, over-supply of nitrogen was found in vegetative growth stage for all treatments of N200 kg/hm2. The present critical N dilution curves could be used for the diagnosis of maize nitrogen nutrition, providing a key technical approach to precise N fertilization management in maize production in Guanzhong Plain.

关键词作物(Crops) n 肥(Nitrogen Fertilizers) 诊断(Diagnosis) 临界氮浓度稀释曲线(Critical n Concentration Dilution Curve) 氮素营养指数(Nitrogen Nutrition Index) 关中灌区(Guanzhong Irrigated Zone) 渭北旱塬(Weibei Highland)
资助项目国家高技术研究发展计划( 863 计划)资助项目 ; 高等学校学科创新引智计划( 111 计划)资助项目
所属项目编号2013AA102904 ; B12007
分类号S365; S512.1(中图分类号)
通讯作者冯 浩
作者单位1.西北农林科技大学水土保持研究所,杨凌 712100
2.中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所,杨凌 712100
3.西北农林科技大学中国旱区节水农业研究院,杨凌 712100
GB/T 7714
李正鹏,宋明丹,冯 浩. 关中地区玉米临界氮浓度稀释曲线的建立和验证[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (农业工程学报),2015,31(13):135-141.
APA 李正鹏,宋明丹,&冯 浩.(2015).关中地区玉米临界氮浓度稀释曲线的建立和验证.Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (农业工程学报),31(13),135-141.
MLA 李正鹏,et al."关中地区玉米临界氮浓度稀释曲线的建立和验证".Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (农业工程学报) 31.13(2015):135-141.
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