ISWC OpenIR  > 水保所知识产出(1956---)
其他题名Responses of streamflow and sediment load to vegetation restoration
高照良; 付艳玲; 张建军; 张晓萍; 万龙
发表期刊农 业 工 程 学 报
摘要为明确黄河中游地区水土流失综合治理、退耕还林(草)政策的水沙效应问题,选择黄河中游风沙-丘陵过渡区、典型丘陵区以及土石山林区5条典型流域,用降雨及面积对水文站实测径流量、输沙量数据进行处理,探讨了近50a来流域水沙及其关系的演变过程。结果表明:5条流域标准化年径流量、标准化年输沙量均表现出显著减少趋势,且两者发生跃变时间基本一致。时段频率上的河流输沙量减少程度较径流量大,零输沙天数逐时段增加。植被覆盖度低的风沙-黄土丘陵过渡区流域,较植被覆盖度高的土石山林区流域,径流量和输沙量年均变化斜率大,跃变时间早。5条流域汛期径流量和输沙量的关系表明,植被覆盖度低的风沙-黄土丘陵过渡区流域的输沙量分布域较植被覆盖度高的土石山林区流域大一个数量级,其产沙动力也最强。近50a来,5条流域的水沙动力系数均呈现逐时段降低趋势。20世纪70~80年代水土流失综合治理使5条流域水沙动力系数平均降低24.5%,1999年后的退耕还林(草)工程则使其平均降低70.6%。流域水沙拟合线性关系常数项绝对值,以及流域冲淤平衡时的径流量呈现随时段减小趋势,进一步说明水土流失治理及退耕还林(草)措施对流域水沙动力关系的削... 更多
其他摘要To reduce the severe soil erosion on the Loess Plateau, a great number of soil and water conservation
measures was implemented in 1970s-1980s, and after that, Grain for Green project was applied since 1999. The
great anthropogenic forces resulted in the decreasing trend of stream flow and sediment load on the Loess Plateau.
However, the relationship between streamflow and sediment load wasn’t clear. Understanding the change of
streamflow, sediment load, and their relation was helpful to enable sustainable catchment management in the
region. The monthly streamflow and sediment load data were used in the study and summed annually to check the
trends in the past five decades. To compare the impacts between catchments, the data were standardized with
precipitation at a corresponding temporal scale and catchment area. The results showed that all the 5 catchments
in the study had a statistically significant negative trend in annual streamflow and sediment load given by the M-K
trend test. Change points given by the Pettitt test in streamflow of the catchments occurred were basically
consistent with that of sediment load. The extent of reduction in the sediment load was much greater than that of
streamflow with the periods altered, and an increasing number of zero-sediment load days was observed. The
average annual reduction both in streamflow and sediment load was much greater in the low-vegetation-coverage
catchments than that in the high-vegetation-coverage catchments, and the change point was also earlier. The
scattered distribution for monthly streamflow and sediment load for the wet season indicated that the
low-vegetation-coverage catchments have wider domain by one order of magnitude in sediment load than that of
the high-vegetation-coverage catchments. The sediment load was simply regressed with the streamflow, and the
regression coefficient was considered as the sediment production coefficient here. The sediment production
coefficient of the 5 catchments was observed to decrease by periods during the past 50 years. Implementation of
soil and water conservation measures, and “Grain for Green” application in latter periods, led to an average
reduction in the sediment production coefficient of 24.5% and 70.6%, respectively. It was also detected that the
absolute value of the constant in the linear regression and the streamflow volume when the catchments reach
scour and silting balance decreased by periods. The impacts of soil and water conservation implementation and
Grain for Green policy application on streamflow, sediment load and their relation was further illustrated.
关键词径流 Stream Flow 泥沙输移 Sediment Transport 植被 Vegetation 水土保持 Soil And Water Conservation 退耕还林(草) Grain For Green Project
GB/T 7714
高照良,付艳玲,张建军,等. 近50年黄河中游流域水沙过程及对退耕的响应[J]. 农 业 工 程 学 报,2013,29(06):99-07.
APA 高照良,付艳玲,张建军,张晓萍,&万龙.(2013).近50年黄河中游流域水沙过程及对退耕的响应.农 业 工 程 学 报,29(06),99-07.
MLA 高照良,et al."近50年黄河中游流域水沙过程及对退耕的响应".农 业 工 程 学 报 29.06(2013):99-07.
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