在黄土高原地区,水土保持措施是影响流域产汇流的重要因素之一。本文采用双累积曲线、时间序列分析等方法,分析秃尾河流域降水及河川径流、暴雨洪水特征变化及其对流域水土流失治理的响应。结果表明:流域多年平均降水量406.4mm,河道多年平均径流量3.4亿m3,1977年后年径流量呈显著性减小趋势。与1977年之前相比,在水土保持措施影响下,汛期径流量占年径流量比例下降,枯水期径流量比例上升,季节分配趋于均匀。相似降水条件下,场次洪水总量、洪峰流量减少,洪水过程均化。; In view of the factors affecting run-off,it is effective to reflect the soil and water conservation s contribution to the run-off by analysis and comparison of changes in the run-off before and after soil erosion control.Based on the data of rainfall runoff storm and flood,the characters of rainfall runoff storm and flood in the catchment have been comprehensively analyzed through the method of Mann-kendall etc.According to the turning point of rainfall-runoff cumulative curve,the changes in the volume of r...