2009年秋季以来,我国西南地区出现了历史罕见的严重旱灾。在综合分析这次成灾自然因素的基础上,着重探讨了以生态环境变化为核心的土地利用、水土保持、矿产开发和水利水电设施等人类活动对西南地区旱灾的影响。分析认为,造成这次特大旱灾的直接原因是长达连续7个月少雨的气象干旱,但水源涵养功能较差引起的土壤和浅层地下水调控能力丧失,矿产开发破坏地质水文环境,水利设施功能减退等人类活动也在很大程度上导致了灾情加剧。只有综合考虑西南地区的特殊生态水文与地质条件,通过流域综合治理,才可以有效应对气候变化对该区水资源和区域发展造成的不良影响。; The severe drought disaster began in Autumn 2009 has strong impacts on agriculture and life in the southwest region of China. Based on the analysis of natural causes,the human activities focusing on change of eco-environmrnt,such as land use change,soil and water conservation,mining,and water resource engineering,are discussed to show the possible impacts and their approaches. The basic natural cause of the terrible drought disaster is the poor weather condition with very little precipitation in 7 months fr...