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无人机多光谱遥感反演冬小麦 SPAD 值
周敏姑1; 邵国敏2; 张立元2; 姚小敏2; 韩文霆3

为研究无人机多光谱遥感 5 个波段光谱反射率反演冬小麦 SPAD(Soil and Plant Analyzer Development)值
光谱影像并提取反射率特征参数,建立 SPAD 值的反演模型。结果表明,当波长范围在蓝光、绿光和红光波段,冬
小麦拔节期、孕穗期和开花期的无人机多光谱影像反射率参数与 SPAD 值呈负相关关系,而在抽穗期,二者呈正相
关;当波长范围为红边及近红外波段,在整个生长期,二者均呈现正相关关系。该研究构建冬小麦 SPAD 值反演模
系数为 0.77,主成分回归法次之,岭回归法较差。此外,冬小麦抽穗期多光谱反射率反演 SPAD 值效果最显著,主
成分回归、岭回归和逐步回归 3 种回归模型的校正决定系数分别为 0.72、0.74 和 0.77。该研究可为无人机多光谱遥


Remote sensing technology has been widely used to monitor the changes in SPAD, which is an important parameter.
In this study, the multispectral images were acquired by a six-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle, and the SPAD of winter wheat
was measured to carry out the estimation research. The four growth stages with the most obvious changes in SPAD were
selected, namely the jointing stage, booting stage, heading stage, and flowering stage. The camera with five bands (475, 560,
668, 717, and 840 nm) was used to collect multispectral canopy leaves at the four stages. A total of four data collections were
performed to extract spectral reflectance data and the SPAD was measured from 1 st April to 27 th April 2018. A total of
65 samples were selected and recorded with GPS. The test area was divided into 65 sample zones with each one measuring
2.5 m×25 m, of which one sample area of 1 m × 1 m was selected. All the zones were in a rectangle, so they could be evenly
distributed 8 m from the center of the cell in the horizontal direction. The overall samples were S-shaped distribution. The
samples in the middle were located at the center of the rectangular cell. The SPAD of 65 samples were measured by
SPAD-502 chlorophyll meter at the same time when the UAV data was collected. In the sample area, seven leaves of different
canopy parts were selected to measure the tip, middle, and base. The average of the three parts was used as the SPAD values of
the leaf. Finally, the average value of the leaf blades was taken as the final SPAD value of the sample. The canopy reflectance
data was extracted from multispectral images. And then the correlation coefficients of SPAD values and spectral reflectance
data in four growth stages were analyzed. Herein, the reflectivity of single-band and SPAD directly had serious collinearity
problems so principal component regression, stepwise regression, and ridge regression these three methods were chosen to
solve it. After that, the SPAD inversion models were established separately by using the reflectance data and the SPAD values
as the data source. The best inversion model and stage were selected by comparison. The results showed that a high correlation
was obtained between the SPAD and canopy spectral reflectance. In the visible light band, the negative correlation was
observed between canopy spectral reflectance and SPAD at the jointing stage, booting stage, and flowering stage. On the
contrary, it was a positive correlation at the heading stage and a positive correlation at the red-edge and near-infrared bands at
all four stages. Compared with the main bands in the model expression, the frequency of passing the screening in different
growth stages was different. The highest passing frequency was the near-infrared band in the jointing stage. The blue band was
selected at the booting stage, the near-infrared band at the heading stage, and the green and red bands at the flowering stage.
This study compared the prediction accuracy of the models established by three regression methods. The results showed that
the models of stepwise regression established at the heading stage had the highest inversion accuracy with the adjusted
coefficient of determination was 0.77, and the root mean square error was 0.61. The validation showed the coefficient of
determination was 0.73, and the root mean square error was 0.56. It indicated that the model could be used to estimate the crop
coefficient. Compared with the four periods, the heading stage was the best inversion stage of SPAD value. The study results
proved the feasibility of inversion of the winter wheat SPAD value by unmanned aerial vehicle multispectral remote sensing,
and at the same time, it could provide a reference for the rapid monitoring of the SPAD value of other crops.

关键词无人机 遥感 冬小麦 多光谱影像 回归模型 SPAD
GB/T 7714
周敏姑,邵国敏,张立元,等. 无人机多光谱遥感反演冬小麦 SPAD 值[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(20):125-133.
APA 周敏姑,邵国敏,张立元,姚小敏,&韩文霆.(2020).无人机多光谱遥感反演冬小麦 SPAD 值.农业工程学报,36(20),125-133.
MLA 周敏姑,et al."无人机多光谱遥感反演冬小麦 SPAD 值".农业工程学报 36.20(2020):125-133.
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